Tuesday 30 December 2014


'What's happiness without sadness?'

Why is it necessary to always be searching for the 'key to happiness'? Why must we be perpetually happy? Are we not all human, and allowed to feel however we want to feel? It is the overwhelming need and pressure to always be happy that drowns us so dramatically when we are anything other than content. People often suffer extreme lows without knowing why. There is no reason behind the tears, and that- like an unanswered question- itches our soul, the not knowing encouraging further upset. However, sometimes, we dissolve under sadness because the pressure of constant happiness is simply too heavy. 

We too often forget that anger and dissatisfaction are also feelings we can nurture and feel to their full capacities. This is what it is to live, surely? You have only a handful of emotions, whichever one you are feeling, admire it. Respect it. Witness it right now; what are you wanting to do? What's making you want to do that? Recognise the feeling, and then work out what that sensation is wanting you to do with it. If it wants you to cry, then cry until your insides resemble the Sahara. If you need to scream or run, then do it. Just don't conceal it. Your dam will burst without your choosing when. Allowing an emotion is also the quickest way to move through it- if that's what you intend to do. It's okay to become comfortable in an emotion: to feel craddled there, in a certain mind frame, lacking any motivation to change the way you feel. Because that's allowed too. And we cannot force emotion; forced emotion is false emotion. We are human. 

If everyone were suddenly to uncover this great treasure, this gift that is eternal happiness, half the fascination of the world would be stolen from us. Plus, happiness from that moment on would go unnoticed. Forgotten in a world of euphoria and glowing auras. So for now, can we stop looking, and instead, start living. 


Sunday 28 December 2014


Even with a not particularly thrilling outfit, you can still seem wise with fashion knowledge if you embrace the clothing. You will still make heads turn, if you simply convince the world that you knew exactly what you were doing when you selected the outfit. This happens through confidence: walking with your head held high- proud of the garments you 'purposely' chose. 

Perhaps you rolled out of bed 6 minutes before the bus, or maybe you haven't actually been home yet; whatever your reasoning for dismal attire, you can still project a sense of 'creative' fashion selecting with the right level of confidence. 

So what if you were half asleep and regrettably paired a highlighter pink bomber with a blue-tone-red lipstick. Simply give the impression that you knew exactly what you were doing, and others will nod their heads in appreciation of your bold choosing. 

Never be ashamed of an outfit. Insecurity will sparkle from your skin as obvious as Edward Cullen in sunlight. 

Don't wait for that lipstick to fade; re apply it, and ooze with sultry self confidence. We are far more likely to believe that a woman is beautiful when she believes so herself. A woman able to walk in public whilst proudly dressed head to toe in primark is a powerful one. Find confidence in yourself and you will find a string of magic powers following behind it. Not to mention the sudden ability to block out any irrelevant opinions. 

'When you choose according to your inner muse, you will project an aura of confidence and self-assuredness that nobody else can touch' 
- Nina Garcia 


Wednesday 24 December 2014


This post may as well be titled 'over dramatised rant about why BeyoncĂ© is the love of my life' 
-You have been warned. 

On the 1st of March 2014 I was lucky enough to be a witness to TMCSWT (the Mrs Carter show world tour, for those of you that don't yet speak Queen B), and I can honestly say it was most likely the best night of my life so far. 

The mission started this time last year, with my sister and I bouncing through the house- from laptop to computer, to phone to iPad- sprinting past each other in order to refresh screens, dying to get our hands on those tickets. Believe me, it was tense. You will never want concert tickets more than when you are stuck in an online waiting room. Even blinking becomes an unnatural thing. Not to mention the pressure of remembering your own name with a 7 minute time frame to fill in your personal details. 

However, and although I'm still not fully convinced it happened, somehow we got the tickets. And somehow 3 months later we were in London, cueing in line to enter the O2,
(Thank you God for priority moments).

People say that celebrities are just the same as the rest of us; we're all human, and no one should be treated any differently. Yet, I cannot deny, when Bey appeared on stage, with thousands of voices  screaming her name, she was truly untouchable. Completely faultless- or 'flawless' if you'd rather. 
Without calling her perfect - since if you're perfect there's only one way to go* - she is probably the closest thing I've seen to Aphrodite herself. 

Perhaps I'm just bias due to my fanatical love for the woman. But even so, whether you agree with my views or not, you cannot deny her performance ability. The stage is her Church. A place that we built for her to live; a place for us to adore her, the only difference being a £60 ticket.

I'm always baffled when people declare that they do not like BeyoncĂ©. My immediate reply is always 'but, WHY?':  maybe you aren't a fan of the music, but apart from the odd song I simply cannot find a reason to dislike her. Not only is she a dedicated workaholic, she's also a passionate mother, wife, and feminist; putting her whole self into everything she does. 

Not that I need to go on, her vocal range is captivatingly abnormal. The opening verse of Halo, and the finishing lines of Listen offer an impossible difference in pitch, each being equally unobtainable for the vocally incapable (me). Still, if you admit it or not, we've all tried to conquer the chorus of Love on Top at some point. 

This pun has probably been used many times before, but Queen B never fails to run my world. May she reign until the End of Time. 

*Credit to John Green for teaching us that you should never aim to be perfect. 


Sunday 14 December 2014


Here I am. Half blogging, half christmas shopping- a difficult task at the best of times - with Wham unashamedly echoing throughout the house. Lily, my 10 year old sister, has bluntly come to the decision that this year she needs a mermaid tail. Not 'wants' one, she needs one. And not just a piece of sparkly material that trails along the ground; a fat, rubber tail that sucks to your waist and disables you from all land based life. Believe me when I say there is a thin line between creative and mission impossible. My parents have just left the house, on their way to collect the highly anticipated tree- months overdue in my opinion. Whilst Lily is at a friend's, doing whatever 10 year olds do two weeks before Christmas. So as we've already established, here I am. Home alone, with just Mariah Carey for company... (there is still no shame).

I LOVE Christmas. There is no denying it. And so this year I've decided to share with you my Christmas list. I must point out that by no means will I be receiving everything on this list, it's simply a guide for my parents and relatives to select a few lucky items from.

1. Real Techniques, Lash-Brow Groomer
Until I have the full collection I will never have enough real techniques brushes in my life. And maybe not even then. Sam Chapman and Nic Haste were God's gift to women all over the world. Who knows what I'd look like without their YouTube channel in my life, and I have no idea why I don't already own this specific brush.

2. Hydraluron- moisture boosting facial syrum 
Those that know me will know that I worship this product. It is to be applied between toner and moisturiser (never replacing moisturiser), and is a miracle for skin hydration. If you and your skin are having disagreements then I would recommend this without hesitation. At £25 it is an expensive product- especially since it comes in a tube the size of your little finger- however no other product has cleared my skin better than this one.

3. A subscription to Wonderland/i-D Magazine
As guilty as I feel, yes, I am willing to cheat on Vogue. The only places I ever manage to pick these up are at service stations when travelling, which unfortunately means I only ever get my hands on them twice a year. The pages of these magazines offer a different take on fashion and lifestyle, (plus they're super pretti).

4. Candles
My love, forever and always.
...My current favourite is the Christmas Eve Yankee candle.

5. Books
You cannot go wrong. Although anything from the fashion section in Waterstones, by Osho, or poetry are all fairly good places to start.

6. Room Stuff  (literally what I've written on my list)
After having the same room for the past 8 years I have recently had a complete bedroom makeover. Finally being free of pink and purple love hearts, I decided to opt for a grey and white theme- Black and white being a little to harsh for a bedroom. There are still a couple of things needed to complete it, but really anything coloured grey or white is welcomed with open arms.

7. COCO, Chanel- eu de parfum
Every year there is one item that I'd love to recieve above all. Last year it was Lola by Marc Jacobs, and as soft a scent as that was, it didn't seem to last that long throughout the day. Every girl wants a bit of Chanel in their lives, and whilst the other perfumes are each iconically classy, I will always gravitate towards Coco. For me, No5 is slightly too musky; and Mademoiselle slightly too modern. With Coco, Chanel balances the timeless aura of No5 with the sweet modernity of Mademoiselle. It is a scent that I will be able to wear for the rest of my life- I just hope Santa is reading this.


Thursday 20 November 2014


"Women think of all colours except the absence of colour. I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony." -  Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel

To me there is nothing more elegant than a woman dressed from head to toe in black and white. Monochromatic attire has always been a sign of sophistication- most probably due to the publicity of its number 1 fan, Coco Chanel. Her whole aura sang of accomplishment; just as her collections projected everything that a woman should strive to be.

Take the little black dress: Chanel developed this iconic piece in order to give women an outfit that was ready for anything; successfully achieving glamour, independence and mystery all in that one piece of fabric. Black, white and beige have always been the stamp of Chanel, meaning that anyone to channel these shades would immediately project these sophisticated ways- designer or high street.

Karl Lagerfeld, after truly inhaling the role of creative director, took it upon himself to keep Coco's monochromatic intentions, fully embodying the shades by never stepping into the public eye in anything but black, white or grey. Lagerfeld has become renown, perhaps even more so than Coco, for his iconic monochromatic suits. A deserved tribute to arguably the most well respected fashion designer in history, Chanel.


Saturday 1 November 2014


Dress- Etsy
Shoes- Ebay
Accessories- Tootsie and Tiger Vintage 
Umbrella- Ebay
Hair- Russell Robin Hair Salon

Prom is a milestone. An evening of glamour and reflection. Whether you see the occasion as a big deal or not, the memory of it will stay with you for the rest of your life. The photos will be around for years afterwards; the opinions valid for a lifetime. To me, as you can probably tell, prom was a big deal. The pinnacle moment of every American teen movie; the event a handful of us had been planning since we were 10. I considered many options- my phone gallery swiftly becoming a spectrum of satin and silk- yet the debate in my mind was solely between a modern, fresh look, or the idea of keeping it completely classic: a timeless look that wouldn't be regretted in later years.

My original idea was a silver dress. High necked, backless, silk; paired with delicate lilac accessories. However, after word got out, I felt there was no surprise factor left in my choice. I wanted to do something different that people weren't expecting. Yet when everyone found out about the silver option people already knew what was coming. In all honestly I probably took it all far too seriously. And, in hindsight, I do wish I hadn't cared quite so much about other people's opinions.

Eventually I concluded that to truly avoid regret the only real option would be to go for a classic look; quickly turning my gaze to the iconically classic Audrey Hepburn for that timeless finesse (who better to base this look on?). Whereas Audrey captured sophistication with the helping hand of Givenchy, I turned to trusty Etsy, purchasing my Breakfast at Tiffany's style for only £12. For my accessories, to go anywhere aside from the local vintage boutiques would've been unthinkable; soon discovering the perfect pair of gloves, pearls, and all important 50's bag.

Mainly I am happy with how things turned out. Yet I can't help feeling like I was trying too hard to embody someone else. If I were to give advise to younger years- and in no way do I mean to come across as patronising- I would simply say to embody yourself. As cliche as it is, prom is a wonderful opportunity to fully project your own personal style. Whether you're into silk or velvet, green or red; choose the shape, material and colour that you first fall in love with. That silver dress was me. It was the first dress I found that I could actually picture myself wearing. If you find that dress, do not change your mind. Stick to it, and no matter if it's on trend or not, I can assure you that you won't regret it.

(Also, take as many photos as humanly possible- I only like about two of mine!)

Tuesday 21 October 2014


''Never ask a girl with winged eyeliner why she's late''
- anon

There is no denying that applying liquid eyeliner is a tricky business. The shape and style of my particular flick is certainly never equal on both eyes, and has evolved drastically since I first discovered the wonder. After playing with makeup for many years I feel as though I can finally admit to having achieved my goal eyeliner shape; however indecisive it can be. I will forever be indebted to that simple black line. Not only for its instant confidence boost, but also for the undeniable tolerance that it has bestowed upon females over the years- possibly a key factor to women's great patience.

Nothing makes me more envious than a woman who can proudly promote a jagged, uneven line and make it look flawless in their own individual way. For me it's all about precision. Creating that perfect upwards slope, and eventually finding a point so sharp that it could've been drawn on by fairies. Everyone's liner will be different depending on what eye shape you have; it's no good trying to achieve an exemplary wing if your eyes already come to a natural point. Or taking your line thicker in the middle of your eyelid if you already have dramatic, round eyes. My first rule of appliance: know your eye shape. Whether long, hooded, or almond shaped eyes, I can promise there will be a shape, width and style that forms your ideal look.

For example, since my eyes are more rounded, I've always avoided using liner from corner to corner; mainly focusing on a thick flick at the outermost point of my eyelids- creating the optical illusion that my eyes are far more feline or almond shaped than they truthfully are. However, if you were aiming to make small eyes appear bigger you would have to take the eyeliner thicker in the centre of your eye: giving the illusion of a rounder, larger eye shape.

A girl need never cry if she has attained immaculate eyeliner. For with that pride she may only think invincible thoughts.

Wednesday 1 October 2014


"Elegance is the only beauty that never fades"

- Audrey Hepburn

Style is personal. Its not about following the crowd and giving in to trends; its about wearing what you want to wear. What you feel comfortable in, and what makes you feel proud to model that outfit. Google defines style as 'a distinctive appearance', yet if we're always only buying what's hot that season, then do any of us really have style? Trends are clever things: we'll buy a £40 blouse from Topshop just because of its particular pattern or style, yet you'll only wear it 3 times before you notice that every other person in the country also owns it. Take the camouflage jacket trend of A/W12, thousands of girls (admittedly myself included) spent masses of money on jackets that stuck around for the best part of a month- not even a full season. Before they literally became a social joke.
Ridiculous amounts of money are wasted by people giving in to trends. We look straight to the statement pieces that are fresh on the shelves, not even contemplating that they probably won't last until next month.

There's always that rare occasion when you actually fall in love with a trend. Unlike other times when you've just made purchases because you think they're 'trendy', every now and then you will actually discover a trend that you fall head over heels for. This, unfortunately, can only end badly. For instance, at the end of last season I happen to have become fully obsessed with gridded prints, *sigh*. Yet, heartbreakingly, it hasn't taken long for pieces to multiply and others to grasp a hold of the trend. Meaning that I could either have given in to temptation, or sat back to watch as my new favourite print found itself a place in the wardrobe of every teenager in the country.

Finding less well known places to shop are what it's all about- charity shops, independent retailers- the quirkier the better. However, when we're just not in the mood for dramatic wardrobe selections and would prefer to make less of a statement, we can still avoid trend hopping by opting for some of the most elegant of looks: the timeless classics.

Basics are often the most glamorous of garments. Although they may not be as current or on trend as you'd like, you'd be surprised by how sophisticated you can appear by simply sticking to the classics.
Basics are like best friends: you'll have disagreements, but they're always there for you when you're in need. I strongly believe that every woman's wardrobe should play home to at least one of the following:

  • The Little Black Dress...
Renown for its inventor- Chanel herself- the little black dress was designed specifically for those crisis days, when no matter how hard you try to coordinate, your brain helpfully decides to forget all possible outfit combinations. This dress can be whatever you want it to be: a day dress; a going out dress; an effortless rescuer, suitable for almost any occasion. Dress it up, dress it down; this dress should have you feeling incredible, whilst flattering you in all the right places. It's the friend above all others; the one that you will always rely on to make you look, and feel, completely untouchable.

  • High Waisted Black Skinny Jeans
If you do not own a pair of black jeans then you are truly missing out. Just like the dress, these can be either dressed up or dressed down- it'll be an extremely rare occasion that you bump into me not wearing black jeans. Not only are they the easiest things in the world to style, but they are also allow the slimming effect- boosting confidence all over the country.

  • An Oversized Shirt
Shirts are so easy to throw on over the top of an outfit, especially if you're not particularly proud of your attire that day. A relaxed shirt will conceal most of what you're wearing; becoming a chic, yet effortless saviour.

  • Comfortable Boots
Unlike trainers, boots add an implication of class to an outfit. Trainers can be the comfiest of footwear, however boots bring both the comfort and the style. Key traits to any winter essential. 

  • A Statement Coat
With winter just around the corner- and suffering from uninspiring British weather- the time of the coat is nearly upon us. If you're going to become a collector of anything, make your obsession coats and jackets. During winter months (the majority of our year) we will be reaching for a coat almost everyday; so by all means make it a good one! Just like an oversized shirt, this coat will be pretty much all people get to see of your outfit- so it doesn't really matter what you wear underneath it. You achieve good outerwear and you will have achieved a good outfit.

Wednesday 24 September 2014


Shoes - as magical as they are - happen to be the bane of my life. The perpetual debate between comfort and style constantly repeats itself in my mind. Frustratingly, the rarity of finding comfortable yet stylish footwear is scandalous- hence my love for last season's Birkenstock trend. Once in a blue moon comes a trend that is actually practical, so when birks became popular back in July you can imagine my content when purchasing the oh so easy sandal.

Just when you think you've survived outfit choosing, we are soon reminded that footwear is required in order to leave the house. And, even if you own 50 pairs of shoes, that certain outfit probably refuses to accommodate any of them. Hello again square one.

Marilyn Monroe once said "Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world", and, whilst I agree that a beautiful pair of shoes can make you feel unstoppable, it sure is hard to conquer when the ball of your foot is numb with pain. However, all torture aside, thank God that that excruciating heel is always up for compromising. Although inside we may feel like chopping off our own feet, on the outside 10x more sophistication is being projected than if we'd gone for a simple trainer. Don't get me wrong, trainers can be just as stylish as heels; but when we are truly in need of a lift (literally and mentally), up is the most obvious way to go.


Sunday 21 September 2014


Foundation, as we know, is the key ingredient to a flawlessly made up face. It is the base that we count on; the small pot of sorcery that we trust to make us glow- particularly on a Monday morning. 

You cannot build a house without correct foundations, just as we cannot achieve effective looking makeup without a sufficient, skin complementing base. 
I think we all agree in saying that finding the perfect foundation for our skin is imperative. For most people this involves discovering where they are on the skin spectrum- slightly dry?or slightly oily? 
However, when your skin proves to be as indecisive as mine, this simple task can become quite the ordeal. 
Proudly falling into the category of stereotypical teenage girl, it's fair to say I've experimented with my fair share of products. So, after having a complete mind blank over what to blog about this month, I've decided to put a small list together of my current drugstore/higher end foundations...

• Nars sheer glow foundation- There's been huge amounts of hype over this foundation. And, whilst most people tend to obsess over it, I have to admit I was a little dissapointed. The coverage is light and fairly natural looking, however I believe it is better suited for a more oily skin type; mainly since it becomes very dry after a couple of hours. 
(Perfect for people with oily skin that want to achieve a natural looking finish) 

• Garnier BB cream- BB creams have become increasingly popular over recent years, and I have to say that this one is my definite favourite so far. This product seems to adapt itself to my skin tone whilst lasting throughout the day. It has a medium coverage but remains completely natural looking. I adore this product and have gone back to it many times. 
(For people with dry skin that want a quick, everyday look) 

• Bourjois healthy mix foundation- After the Chanel pro lumiere was discontinued this product became very popular as its duplicate. Its medium coverage is suited more for oily skin, yet in general I expect it would adapt to most skin types. It's easy to apply and lasts around 8 hours.
(A reliant foundation for people with slightly oily skin. Suited well for special occassions)

•MAC studio fix fluid- This foundation was actually a big dissapointment for me. Unfortunately on dry skin this product will only last an hour or so before cracking and maximising pores. I assume it is prodominantly used for photoshoots; I would not label it as a day to day foundation. 
(For people that have oily skin and want a thick, dry coverage)

• Rimmel match perfection- this is my ultimate go to foundation for a night out. The thick coverage stays put for around 12 hours and successfully hides blemishes and uneven skin tones. It can sometimes feel a little oily so I would recommend a powder which will also help to maintain that flawless complexion. 
(For normal/dry skin types that want a thick coverage. Usually best for a night out or a less natural look)

I am certainly not a proffessional and these are simply my own opinions, however I hope I've been helpful in some way and if you have any questions please feel free to comment! 

...(You can also tweet me @isobelvandyke)

Saturday 30 August 2014


"What you wear is how you present yourself to the world- especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language."
- Miuccia Prada 

With the captivating popularity of new technologies, and the incremental decrease in need for actual face to face communication, the fashion world becomes more significant than ever.

The way in which we choose to present ourselves triggers every person's first impression of you- vogue subscriber or bike fanatic father.
For strangers you are nothing but a glimpse, perhaps even a memory dependent on how right or wrong you get it. Another teenager, or another mannequin, unknowingly clothed in your own personality. When there is no communication, dress code is the way we let people in. The way in which we subconsciously suggest our age, our previous or future destination, and of course our emotions that morning- when the likely tedious challenge of outfit selecting began. 
As judgemental as it is, our material, colour and style choices fully determine the general public's first opinion of you. And that's the truth. 'Fashion is instant language', so recruit garments delicately, and keep in mind your eager spectators. 

You only get one chance to make a first impression.


Monday 28 July 2014


know this was officially revealed a few months ago now and might be slightly old news, however re-scanning this months vogue- before the release of the September issue- comfortably confirms my theories that Kristen Stewart is undoubtedly perfect as the new face of Chanel. For multiple reasons (including the whole R-Patz scandal) Kristen has subtly begun to morph our perception of her, leading us to see her as this edgy, raw, imperfect young woman that we all secretly admire. Yes she has her flaws, and perhaps isn't quite as glamorous as Keira Knightley for Coco Mademoiselle, but she certainly obtains attention; breezily exhibiting her intense nature across a three page spread in July's vogue. 
Her honest, gritty attitude coheres utterly with that of Karl's, making her ideal for Chanel's A/W 14 campaign, as well as ensuring her a new friend in the force behind the label. 


Sunday 27 July 2014


For a few years now I've been eager to start blogging; craving the small yet respected title as official fashion blogger. Just like almost every other blogger, I am enthralled by the idea of communicating my personal opinions through language and social media. Although honestly, I'm not entirely sure what I should be writing right now- a self introduction perhaps? Or should I just leap straight into the uploading of differently angled OOTD photos?
Well, in true focus group tradition: I'm Izzy; I'm 16; and I'm fixated with trends, makeup, and the occasional slice of celeb gossip. Coming from a quaint yet completely uninteresting village in south-west England it can be tediously difficult for opportunities to come about, hence why I am constructing this blog. I hope I'm not alone in my opinions, and I promise to try my best in not being a complete bore.