Wednesday 24 December 2014


This post may as well be titled 'over dramatised rant about why Beyoncé is the love of my life' 
-You have been warned. 

On the 1st of March 2014 I was lucky enough to be a witness to TMCSWT (the Mrs Carter show world tour, for those of you that don't yet speak Queen B), and I can honestly say it was most likely the best night of my life so far. 

The mission started this time last year, with my sister and I bouncing through the house- from laptop to computer, to phone to iPad- sprinting past each other in order to refresh screens, dying to get our hands on those tickets. Believe me, it was tense. You will never want concert tickets more than when you are stuck in an online waiting room. Even blinking becomes an unnatural thing. Not to mention the pressure of remembering your own name with a 7 minute time frame to fill in your personal details. 

However, and although I'm still not fully convinced it happened, somehow we got the tickets. And somehow 3 months later we were in London, cueing in line to enter the O2,
(Thank you God for priority moments).

People say that celebrities are just the same as the rest of us; we're all human, and no one should be treated any differently. Yet, I cannot deny, when Bey appeared on stage, with thousands of voices  screaming her name, she was truly untouchable. Completely faultless- or 'flawless' if you'd rather. 
Without calling her perfect - since if you're perfect there's only one way to go* - she is probably the closest thing I've seen to Aphrodite herself. 

Perhaps I'm just bias due to my fanatical love for the woman. But even so, whether you agree with my views or not, you cannot deny her performance ability. The stage is her Church. A place that we built for her to live; a place for us to adore her, the only difference being a £60 ticket.

I'm always baffled when people declare that they do not like Beyoncé. My immediate reply is always 'but, WHY?':  maybe you aren't a fan of the music, but apart from the odd song I simply cannot find a reason to dislike her. Not only is she a dedicated workaholic, she's also a passionate mother, wife, and feminist; putting her whole self into everything she does. 

Not that I need to go on, her vocal range is captivatingly abnormal. The opening verse of Halo, and the finishing lines of Listen offer an impossible difference in pitch, each being equally unobtainable for the vocally incapable (me). Still, if you admit it or not, we've all tried to conquer the chorus of Love on Top at some point. 

This pun has probably been used many times before, but Queen B never fails to run my world. May she reign until the End of Time. 

*Credit to John Green for teaching us that you should never aim to be perfect. 


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