Tuesday 30 December 2014


'What's happiness without sadness?'

Why is it necessary to always be searching for the 'key to happiness'? Why must we be perpetually happy? Are we not all human, and allowed to feel however we want to feel? It is the overwhelming need and pressure to always be happy that drowns us so dramatically when we are anything other than content. People often suffer extreme lows without knowing why. There is no reason behind the tears, and that- like an unanswered question- itches our soul, the not knowing encouraging further upset. However, sometimes, we dissolve under sadness because the pressure of constant happiness is simply too heavy. 

We too often forget that anger and dissatisfaction are also feelings we can nurture and feel to their full capacities. This is what it is to live, surely? You have only a handful of emotions, whichever one you are feeling, admire it. Respect it. Witness it right now; what are you wanting to do? What's making you want to do that? Recognise the feeling, and then work out what that sensation is wanting you to do with it. If it wants you to cry, then cry until your insides resemble the Sahara. If you need to scream or run, then do it. Just don't conceal it. Your dam will burst without your choosing when. Allowing an emotion is also the quickest way to move through it- if that's what you intend to do. It's okay to become comfortable in an emotion: to feel craddled there, in a certain mind frame, lacking any motivation to change the way you feel. Because that's allowed too. And we cannot force emotion; forced emotion is false emotion. We are human. 

If everyone were suddenly to uncover this great treasure, this gift that is eternal happiness, half the fascination of the world would be stolen from us. Plus, happiness from that moment on would go unnoticed. Forgotten in a world of euphoria and glowing auras. So for now, can we stop looking, and instead, start living. 


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