Sunday 28 December 2014


Even with a not particularly thrilling outfit, you can still seem wise with fashion knowledge if you embrace the clothing. You will still make heads turn, if you simply convince the world that you knew exactly what you were doing when you selected the outfit. This happens through confidence: walking with your head held high- proud of the garments you 'purposely' chose. 

Perhaps you rolled out of bed 6 minutes before the bus, or maybe you haven't actually been home yet; whatever your reasoning for dismal attire, you can still project a sense of 'creative' fashion selecting with the right level of confidence. 

So what if you were half asleep and regrettably paired a highlighter pink bomber with a blue-tone-red lipstick. Simply give the impression that you knew exactly what you were doing, and others will nod their heads in appreciation of your bold choosing. 

Never be ashamed of an outfit. Insecurity will sparkle from your skin as obvious as Edward Cullen in sunlight. 

Don't wait for that lipstick to fade; re apply it, and ooze with sultry self confidence. We are far more likely to believe that a woman is beautiful when she believes so herself. A woman able to walk in public whilst proudly dressed head to toe in primark is a powerful one. Find confidence in yourself and you will find a string of magic powers following behind it. Not to mention the sudden ability to block out any irrelevant opinions. 

'When you choose according to your inner muse, you will project an aura of confidence and self-assuredness that nobody else can touch' 
- Nina Garcia 


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