Saturday 3 January 2015


In my opinion, taking down the Christmas decorations, is probably the most depressing day of the year. 

Santa has put his feet up, new year has passed- although the hangover probably hasn't- the chocolate supply is quickly decreasing, and all you're left with is a spindleless tree; retaining its last respect through a withered piece of red tinsel. It's fair to say the time has come, and unfortunately the usual routine is following closely behind. Unlike the Scrooges out there, I'm a dedicated fan of the festive feeling, so declaring final farewells is comparable to parting with a best friend of which you only see annually. 

I have devised a cunning plan in ridding these post holiday blues. A set of ingredients that, hopefully, will have you feeling that little bit more invincable when facing that daunting Monday morning. This Sunday, after reluctantly clearing the house of all sparkles and spindles, make yourself time to be selfish. It is the only cure. (Apologies, these are all extremely clichéd, feminin acts). 

1. Remove all your makeup. 
This is the first step to feeling refreshed, and cleansed of christmas guilt. I highly recommend the soap and glory face wipes; they are just the right amount of tough, whilst smelling simply divine

2. Get your work done.
I know the thought is horrible, and I am infact Cornwall's biggest hypocrit, but you know as well as I do that this will be a significant weight off your shoulders. Only when you have done this can you truly begin to relax. This is the flour to our cake; a masterpiece is impossible without it. 

3. Congratulate yourself for finishing all your work, and finally being up to date. This is an achievement, you are more than allowed to be proud. 

I used to be one of those people that weren't at all phased by products like bath bombs, body scrub, etc. Yet recently, after being fully introduced to Lush, they have made themselves comfortable amongst my favourite things.  Some people may think Lush/baths are overrated, however for me, it's not just about the product- a simple bath bomb- it's the luxury you feel when it first hits the water. A small, insignificant luxury, that places a delicate, unpredicted smile across your face. Make sure the water is so hot that your feet confuse warmth with pain, and you have to inch yourself in slowly, slowly, whilst your whole body prickles in a sprinkling of goosebumps. Do not dismiss it until you've tried it. But as well as this, once you're out of the bath and your head has drifted down from the clouds, there is something so calming about the stepping out of the bathroom. The room itself has become opaque with steam and the air is thick and clumsy; as you open the door, towel piled high upon your head, a sweet air will meet your face and cool your spine. It is cold, but it's just what you needed after being so absorbed by heat. 

'The longer I lay there in the clear hot water the purer I felt, and when I stepped out at last and wrapped myself in one of the big, soft, white, hotel bath towels I felt pure and sweet as a new baby.' - Sylvia Plath 

5. Face Mask.
Being in the bath is the perfect opportunity to use a face mask. The humidity will have caused your pores to open and plead for cleansing. 

6. Moisturise. 
Some people would step out of the bath believing their next step is to clothe themselves. Wrong. Your skin at this point is just about dying of thirst. Hydrate it with face creams and body butters- or if you own Hydraluron then use this now and it will work miracles. Body shop + Soap and Glory body butters will not let you down. 

7. Wear nothing but pyjamas and comfy clothing; throw all fashion guidelines out the window with any negative thoughts. 

8. Have a large glass of water. 
You have just released all the bad toxins from your skin, now do the same for your body. You will still be feeling flushed and  already thirsty from the heat- personally, I always crave orange juice- having a tall glass of water is the best thing you can do for your body right now. Even better, if you have lemon juice then add a splash to rid toxins more suffeciently. Green tea also works wonders. 

9. Never underestimate the power of a chick flick. 
At some point after all this, you will probably have to venture into your living room; which, unfortunately, means that you will soon be looking at the lonely space where the Christmas tree used to sit. This is why you will now need both The Holiday and The Amazing Spider Man, because who lifts the spirits more than Jude Law and Andrew Garfield, (DO NOT however watch the second spider man). 


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