Thursday 20 November 2014


"Women think of all colours except the absence of colour. I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony." -  Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel

To me there is nothing more elegant than a woman dressed from head to toe in black and white. Monochromatic attire has always been a sign of sophistication- most probably due to the publicity of its number 1 fan, Coco Chanel. Her whole aura sang of accomplishment; just as her collections projected everything that a woman should strive to be.

Take the little black dress: Chanel developed this iconic piece in order to give women an outfit that was ready for anything; successfully achieving glamour, independence and mystery all in that one piece of fabric. Black, white and beige have always been the stamp of Chanel, meaning that anyone to channel these shades would immediately project these sophisticated ways- designer or high street.

Karl Lagerfeld, after truly inhaling the role of creative director, took it upon himself to keep Coco's monochromatic intentions, fully embodying the shades by never stepping into the public eye in anything but black, white or grey. Lagerfeld has become renown, perhaps even more so than Coco, for his iconic monochromatic suits. A deserved tribute to arguably the most well respected fashion designer in history, Chanel.



  1. true story! the color black is the most beautiful color for me!
    following you on bloglovin', hope you'll look for me too. see you around!

    a possible fantasy

    1. Ahh thank you so much! So excited to have my first comments as a blogger, so happy that people actually agree with my opinions. I'll definitely look for you, thanks again


  2. I have to agree, there is a timeless and elegant element to living in black and white.
    Just found your blog and I love it! I love your writing and your ideas, please keep up the good work!
    Plaid Is My Favourite Colour

    1. Thank you so much! That means more than you think,


    2. Back again! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award, details on my blog:

  3. Excellent post! There is nothing better than a black dress that makes you feel like you can take on the world. Chanel is definitely one of my top fashion icons, she really changed the way women dress

    followed you on bloglovin as well :)
    ♡alexa ♡
