Sunday 14 February 2016


Rihanna's debut collection for Puma did not disappoint. No need for months of promotion, no purposefully controversial stunts to gain attention; yet a pristine line of clothing, quietly reminding us of its presence without full scale publicity. Rihanna left the clothes to speak for themselves, which they did, and further caused ripples of respect throughout the industry. Puma's new creative director took the subtle, professional root. Or at least it seemed that way in comparison to Yeezy season 3. It is possible that the success of this collection is down to good timing. The overpowering nature of Kanye's show, paired with his shouting social media persona, rendered the Puma show less publicly anticipated and therefor made more of an impact when released to the world.

However, regardless of good timing, it's obvious that this was a collection Rihanna had thoroughly considered. It's a difficult thing to make sportswear chic, although Rihanna achieved it with occasional tastes of fur and lace. Referencing the Addam's family - 'if the Addam's family went to the gym, this is what they would wear' - allowed for a gothic take on sportswear, with the relentless attitude of Wednesday echoed throughout.

This collection has become the epitome of street style and will be the benchmark for those whose designs embrace a similar mood. Fenty X Puma has brought us a clean and polished collection that we respect. There was substance to the clothing, and by that I mean a certain richness. Even if not to our personal tastes, it is undeniable that these clothes will have a knock-on effect, influencing much of what we see on the high street.

Rihanna has gelled beautifully with Puma; tailoring her creativity to suit the brand whilst bringing with her an attitude that puts Puma back on the map.

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